
Room 5 

16:20 - 17:20 


Talk (60 min)

Containers and WebAssembly: Orchestrating Distributed Applications with .NET Aspire

Distributed application architectures consist of many different components using different technologies. Ranging from traditional containers and NET applications, over Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) offerings to Serverless WebAssembly Workloads crafted with open-source Spin.


Thanks to .NET Aspire we can orchestrate even complex distributed application architectures using good old C#. Join this session by Thorsten Hans to learn how you can simplify inner-loop and boost your productivity.

Thorsten Hans

Thorsten Hans is a Sr. Cloud Advocate at Fermyon. He guides developers and teams through understanding, adopting, and mastering emerging technologies to build reliable software and embrace the next wave of cloud computing. As Microsoft MVP and Docker Captain, he keeps on sharing his experiments and knowledge with the developer community.