
Room 3 

16:20 - 17:20 


Talk (60 min)

DDD Explains: What are my stock options actually worth?

With the recent widespread layoffs in the technology sector, it's become more important than ever for developers to understand the financial realities behind the businesses we work for.

Soft Skills

This talk will explore the fundamentals of corporate finance in terms developers will understand - by using Domain-Driven Design modelling techniques such as Event Storming and Domain Storytelling.

We'll start with the basics of business health - understanding profit & loss statements, balance sheets and cash-flow reports.

Then we'll look at how businesses are valued (privately and on the stock-market), and how that affects different funding and ownership models - for example angel investing, venture capital & private equity.

Building on this, we'll explore common long term incentive structures such as options and SAFE notes and how they can be impacted by preference shares.

At the end of this talk, you'll be well equipped to understand what the long term prospects of your future employers are and how to assess the potential risks and rewards of various compensation plans - and you might learn a bit about Domain-Driven Design along the way!

Chris Simon

Chris is a Startup CTO Coach helping startups realise their vision and new CTOs flourish in their roles. He also supports executives & boards with strategic technology advice, and engineering teams with training, mentoring and consulting in architecture, quality, domain-driven design and test driven development.

He is a regular meetup & conference speaker (NDC, KanDDDinsky, Serverless Days ANZ) and to support teams using Domain-Driven Design, he recently launched & co-founded the DDD Australia meetup.

He is the technical co-founder of, home of Australian Fintech success stories and (recently acquired by NAB).