
Room 1 

16:20 - 17:20 


Talk (60 min)

Easily Add Artificial Intelligence To Your Apps Using Machine Learning as a Service

Machine Learning is hard, but MLaaS makes it cheap and easy to add artificial intelligence to your apps!

Machine Learning

Companies like Microsoft, Amazon and Google have trained world-class models that allow us to implement AI with one line of code, making it easier than ever to implement Facial Recognition, Emotion Analysis, Optical Character Recognition and more!

Join me for a live-coding session to learn how to easily add Facial Recognition and Text Sentiment Analysis to your existing apps!

Brandon Minnick

Brandon is a Microsoft MVP and a .NET Developer Advocate at AWS where he gets to work closely with the developer community to help fellow mobile app and cloud developers make 5-star apps.

Brandon previously worked at Xamarin + Microsoft where he focused on creating mobile apps in C# using Xamarin + .NET MAUI.

An avid mobile app developer, Brandon loves to code and has contributed to and published countless apps!