
Room 5 

17:40 - 18:40 


Talk (60 min)

Empowering Inclusivity with GenAI to Transforms Visitor Attractions

In an era where technology and innovation are redefining the boundaries of accessibility and inclusivity, I have been utilising GenAI to reshape the landscape of visitor attractions worldwide.


We had a vision to make visitor attractions as inclusive as possible, removing language and accessibility barrier. Leveraging cutting-edge technology, we embarked on a mission to ensure that our application could be interacted with in any language. To truly embrace inclusivity, we aimed to extend our reach to the blind community. Enter GenAI's Text-to-Speech capabilities, which opened a whole new realm of possibilities.

In this talk I will cover some of the challenges we faced, how we decided what tools to use and our plans to evolve this in the future.

Chloe McAree

Chloe McAree is a Senior Software Engineer at Hamilton Robson. She has experience working on small research prototypes using cutting edge technologies, right through to building large scale web applications using multiple technology stacks. Chloe is an active member of the global tech community, she has been an AWS Community Builder for the past four years and is also a former Belfast City Lead for Women Who Code. She uses these outlets to share her learnings and experiences through blogs and other events. Chloe was named Engineer of the Year at the UK IT Awards in November 2023.