

11:40 - 12:40 


Workshop (60 min)

Part 2/2: Learning Data Science in Python

Want to perform Data Science but don’t know how to go about it? Have a dataset that you really want to analyze but not sure where to start?

Machine Learning
Big Data

This hands-on session teaches how to explore datasets, use Machine Learning algorithms and derive insights from predictive models using popular tools in Python like Jupyter, pandas, sklearn and numpy. This tutorial is aimed at budding data scientists who have previous programming experience, though it doesn’t have to be in Python.

By the end of this tutorial, participants will be able to clean and investigate datasets, create and evaluate predictive models and visualize the results. The vision is that participants feel motivated to create or pick up a dataset, investigate it and answer questions based on the insights derived - whether it’s to make informed business decisions or book a flight that is likely to be on time.

Grishma Jena

Grishma Jena is a Data Scientist with the UX Insights team at IBM in San Francisco. As the only Data Scientist in the org, she supports 80+ user researchers and designers and uses data to understand user struggles and opportunities to enhance product experiences.

She earned her Masters in Computer Science at University of Pennsylvania. Her research interests are in Machine Learning and Natural Language Processing. She has delivered 40+ talks and workshops at multiple conferences around the globe including PyCon US (largest Python conference in the world) and O’Reilly OSCON. She has also taught Python at the San Francisco Public Library and frequently guides school and university students.

Grishma is extremely passionate about encouraging, mentoring, and empowering people, especially women and students, in the world of technology. Currently, she serves on the AI/ML Advisory Board for DevNetwork. She is also an ambassador for the Women in Data Science initiative, as well as a part of the the leadership team for Society of Women Engineers - Golden Gate Section.

In her free time, she writes, cooks and likes conducting workshops and delivering talks. She likes explaining things in an easy-to-understand format, drawing analogies from real life.