
Room 2 

15:00 - 16:00 


Talk (60 min)

Terminology Mismatch Repair Made Plain

Domain-driven designers are keenly aware of the need for terminology to be consistent within a bounded context. In heavily relied upon long-lived software however, this concern is often a source of error and frustration. When trying to modernize, there can be roadblocks based on these terminology issues.

Soft Skills

This talk is for you if:

  • Your environment has situations where words used by the business or domain experts are not the words used by the developers and architects.
  • If you experience poor communication around requirements due to these discrepancies.
  • If your organization is wasting time redefining the same terms over and over.
  • If the business thinks those terms are used one way, but the software implements different behaviors for those terms.
  • Those discrepancies are not always easy to detect.

The work involved in fixing all of that is often disjointed and can be frustrating and/or discouraging. But you do not have to live with it.

John Connolly has grappled with this often and has created a tool he uses to facilitate the exposure of these conflicted terms, the facts around their usage, agreements on the future state and ways to make sure the business knows what it takes to repair these wasteful discrepancies. He will present, demonstrate and discuss this tool and techniques in a way you can immediately implement in your role - even if you do not know DDD at all. In fact, becoming good at doing this repair will help you understand a key element of DDD more experientially - i.e. the Ubiquitous Language.

If you have these terminology issues, we want to give you a practical way to solve it. Come check it out.

John Connolly

Principle of Articulate Domain and Founder of Domain-Driven Design United States. Adaptive systems designer avoiding accidental legacy creation. Fan of the recent "Learning Domain-Driven Design" by Vlad Khononov. After leaving the US Air Force in 1997 as a Radio and Television News Reporter, held roles as a Developer, Business Analyst, Dev Manager, Product Owner and more.

Industries served are print, direct sales, banking, government, and insurance.

Experience in startup and enterprise environments.
John lives in Salem Oregon with his wife Sandy and two cats, Martini and Matisse. They head to the Oregon Coast as often as possible.