
Room 4 

16:20 - 17:20 


Talk (60 min)

The Future of Cloud-Native Application Development with Radius

The Cloud-native landscape has revolutionized the way applications are built and deployed, but it has also introduced complexities in managing infrastructure, operations and security.


In this session, we will explore Microsoft's new Radius project, an open-source Cloud-native application platform designed to empower developers and platform engineers to collaborate on a common definition of an application and an environment. Leveraging them, teams can easily understand, deliver and manage applications that follow corporate best practices for operations and security by default. We will delve into the key features, benefits, and potential use cases of Radius, and discuss how it addresses the challenges of building and managing Cloud-native applications across multiple environments

Loek Duys

I am CTO at Xebia Microsoft Services NL, Cloud architect, and Microsoft Azure MVP, helping companies modernize their IT all the way; Cloud strategy, SecDevOps practices, and Continuous Delivery. I spend most of my days helping teams by providing advice, hands-on assistance, solving problems and delivering technical training.
A couple of times per year, I like to speak at international conferences and to provide workshops.
By being a consultant, international speaker, trainer, active contributor to open-source projects, and forum participant, I love to share knowledge with the community.

Some of my recent public speaking & workshop engagements:
- NDC & SDD London
- Techorama & Experts Live Netherlands
- Update Conf & ESPC Czech Republic
- DevSum Sweden
- NDC Oslo
- VISUG XL Belgium
- MS Dev Summit & DevConf Poland
- Developer Week Germany
Want to know more? Send me a message