
Room 4 

11:40 - 12:40 


Talk (60 min)

Unlocking the Potential of AI

Artificial intelligence is rapidly changing the world we live in, and Microsoft is at the forefront of this exciting revolution. Join us for a session where we'll explore the latest innovation from Microsoft and GitHub on AI.


Let's explore the latest technologies, including Azure OpenAI, Neural voice, and GitHub Co-pilot. With Co-pilot, an AI-powered coding assistant that suggests code snippets based on project context, developers can boost productivity. We'll also discuss the importance of developing AI in a way that benefits society as a whole.

Don't miss this opportunity to learn and discover how you can leverage AI to drive innovation in your own organization.

Henk Boelman

Henk is a Cloud Advocate specializing in Artificial intelligence and Azure with a background in application development. He is currently part of the AI cloud advocate team and based in the Netherlands. Before joining Microsoft, he was a Microsoft AI MVP and worked as a software developer and architect building lots of AI powered platforms on Azure.

He loves to share his knowledge about topics such as DevOps, Azure and Artificial Intelligence by providing training courses and he is a regular speaker at user groups and international conferences.

April Edwards

April is a senior developer advocate and DevOps practice lead at GitHub, specializing in application transformation and DevOps ways of working. Her focus is to take customers of a journey from legacy technology, to serverless and containers, where code comes first, while enabling them to take full advantage of DevOps practices.

In April’s spare time she spends time outdoors hiking, skiing or scuba diving. She is also a triathlete competing in Ironman and Half Ironman triathlons.