
Room 2 

10:20 - 11:20 


Talk (60 min)

Your developer’s intelligence isn’t artificial

“Hire someone with the right skills, pay the price for their immediate productivity and deal with the rest later.” It feels like Big Tech has been using that approach for years, gradually driving up wages for senior profiles in the process. But what if we did exactly the opposite?


If you rely on tech skills, but don’t want to enter a bidding war, you are going to need a different strategy. If you choose this path, learning will become a key component in almost everything you do. You will have to hire for attitude, not skills. And if you want your investments to pay off, you’ll have to actually care about the individuals that work with you. This is a cultural shift that requires courage and buy-in from the entire company. There is no pretending.

In this talk, I’ll talk about the journey we’ve gone through the last decade, and I’ll include examples from other companies in the field with similar philosophies. Amongst other things, I’ll touch on learning culture, retention, wage policies, coaching and growth. I’ll warn you in advance: none of this is going to be easy. But at the other end of it lies a future where HR has become ‘human relations’ instead of the other meaning it usually carries. And that is worth fighting for…

Hannes Lowette

Hannes is a developer, a coach and a father of 3.

In .NET development, he has always had a passion for performance, databases, distributed systems and large scale applications. But most of all, he likes playing devil’s advocate in technical discussions by drawing the ‘it depends’ card.

As a coach, he is enthousiastic about knowledge sharing, personal growth and building careers. All this while keeping in mind that the pace needs to be sustainable.

In his free time, when he’s not building LEGO® castles with his kids, he likes to spend time building guitars, playing chess or poker, tasting whisky and doing all round geeky stuff.

You can occasionally find him on an afterparty stage at PubConf or with Dylan Beattie & the Linebreakers.